NHRD has now collaborated with the Praanaadhara India Mission to engage in the preparation development and execution of social welfare and development projects. The aim of the foundation is to protect the interest of construction workers and promote welfare schemes for them. It works towards issues of social and environmental relevance in the construction sector and thrives to make a positive contribution in these areas. PIM is actively involved in upskilling construction workers and is working towards environmental sustainability, by collaborating with member developers to ensure implementation of initiatives such as solid waste management, green building certification and tree plantation drives. Apart from regular social and environmental initiatives, NHRD PIM extends repair and rehabilitation assistance in times of natural calamities.

Members of NHRD fraternity are engaged in a variety of social and charitable activities which touch the lives of the poor and dispossessed.Areas which are covered under NHRD PIM are:

  • Housing for all programs
  • Shrinking Caron Footprints
  • Health and Family Welfare
  • Skill training and development 
  • Women Empowerment 
  • Child Welfare
  • Empowerment of disadvantaged groups
  • Public welfare and awareness campaigns
  • Clean India-Swachh Bharat
  • Disaster management programs